Homeschool Resources

Discover these valuable resources that have helped me save both time and money! 


Here are a few of my favorite go-to websites:

This website offers a variety of worksheets and hands-on activities, with options available for free or at a small cost. It’s an excellent resource to save money while engaging in meaningful learning!

Check out some of my favorite Pinterest pins by clicking the link below! 

Let’s face it—curriculum can be expensive. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of online curriculums that are either free or budget-friendly, helping you save without compromising on quality. 

Although it may be on the pricier side, this curriculum has been an incredible asset for my family. 

This is my all-time favorite Bible study for families. 

Check this book out! "For The Children's Sake" 

Finally, don't forget to explore your local library! It’s an excellent resource offering a wealth of free materials to support both your child's education and your own learning journey.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with your state’s homeschooling laws. A great starting point is the HSLDA Legal Resources, where you can find valuable tips and detailed information about regulations in your state.